FEMA Corporation Sponsors Employee Fitness Through Virtual Challenges

FEMA has historically sponsored its employees for several team sports and racing events each year. However, COVID-19 led to the cancellation of many in person events such as 5k runs/walks, biking competitions, and more. Undeterred, FEMA chose to sponsor innovative alternatives such as virtual fitness challenges. One of our employees, Ryan Jaime, took full advantage of this opportunity. To keep physically active, stay healthy, and lose some weight, he initially signed up for a 1-run, 5K session. It was so enjoyable and worthwhile that he signed up for more! He now participates in some ‘Conqueror’ events that are hundreds of miles. His current challenge is 828 miles, which can be completed over many sessions. Tracked by a phone application, it also allows you to see where you would physically be on most challenges. For example, if you completed 156 miles of the “Ring Road” Iceland challenge, you can see on your phone where your exact spot is in the race. Ryan completes these physical challenges through the combination of outdoor running, indoor treadmill, and a spin bike.
Ryan expects to do more events this year as well. It has helped him to stay motivated, add more cardio to his life, lose weight, and keep it off.